President message

President message

Ogura offers over 5,000 clutch and brake models
They say that the world economic environment is in the midst of once-in-a-hundred-year transformation, and not only the economy in Japan but also the economies in many countries are going through changes. How to meet customers' needs in such unprecedented changing environment is Ogura's challenge in the year 2024. One of the areas we are to focus this year is to embrace Japan's art of manufacturing, "Monozukuri" or "art of making stuff," specifically styles and methods of production and quality control so that accompanying costs can be justified by our customers. We are not only promoting Ogura's products. We are also promoting Monozukuri with which, Japan has led the world for decades. We have to make it also Ogura's strength. Ogura has in its line-up, 5,000 clutch and brake models. As impressive as it may be, we are aware that there are tough competitions in the world. By delivering products that solve problems for the customers, we aim to become invaluable asset to our customers.